Call for Proposals: Quantum Encryption Algorithm (QEA)
Important Update! : The deadline for the submission of Quantum Encryption Algorithm proposals has been extended by 30 days upto 29.09.2024.

The Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF) scheme, notified by the Department of Telecommunications on 01.10.2022, aims to support and encourage Research and Development in telecom products and technologies. This initiative seeks to achieve Aatmanirbhar Bharat and furthers the call of the Hon’ble PM for ‘Jai Anushandhan’.

Proposals for support under the TTDF scheme are invited from companies, start-ups, R&D institutions, and academic institutions, either individually or in partnership. The focus is on R&D in telecom products and technologies that lead to telecom IP creation (both implementational and standards-essential types) and/or telecom products at high Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). Only companies/start-ups headquartered in India (not subsidiaries of foreign companies) and Indian R&D/academic institutions are eligible to receive funding from TTDF. Academic institutions should preferably have industry partners for proposals involving the commercialization of the developed technology/product.

The call for proposals is for developing an India specific Quantum Encryption Algorithm (QEA) that will represent a cutting-edge approach to securing digital communication channels by leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics. The algorithm should ensure Unparalleled Security; Advanced Encryption Capabilities; Ultrafast and Efficient Encryption etc.

Deadline:*Last date of submission of applications is 29.09.2024 .

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